CAFP Ryerson

CAFP Ryerson is part of a national association that provides opportunities for professionals and students to network, mentor and develop in the foodservice field.

Meet Adi Berk

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“I’ve had a passion for baking since I was little. Growing up as the youngest of four kids, it was hard to keep anything resembling a dessert uneaten in our house. Since we didn’t usually have any sweets, I used to have to create my own. I can remember baking with my Mom and  learning how to craft new desserts. The end result was that I often unwisely ate all of them by myself. In high school, I loved using my creativity in the Arts but also the fact based nature of the Sciences. I chose to go to the University of Guelph and somehow stumbled into enrolling in a Bachelor of Science in Food Science. One of the more popular career paths in Food Science is to work in Research and Development. It ultimately was a great fit, because as a Product Developer I get to be artistic and an experimental scientist all at the same time… I never even knew this was an option till I went to Guelph for Food Science & learned about being a Product Developer. Through co-operative work terms I was able to test the waters and determine that this was the right path for me. I often work weird hours and long days, but ultimately, yes, part of my job description is to taste test lots and lots of desserts.”

Adi Berk is a University of Guelph graduate with a BSc. in Food Science Co-op and over five years of experience in Product Development. She has worked for top Canadian Bakeries like Canada Bread, Give & Go Foods, Fiera Foods and currently Weston Bakeries. Adi has successfully commercialized both private label & branded products for various grocery & food service chains across North America like Wal-mart, Loblaw’s, Tim Hortons & Sysco. Every day she is passionately taking innovative concepts like lemon meringue cookies and banana flavoured chocolatey donut bites from a laboratory bench to full scale production.

If you would like to hear more from Adi and get a chance to network with her in person come to our Dietitians of Canada Business and Industry Network on September 22, 2016 in TRS, Cara Commons. Please RSVP at

Author: cafpryerson

Canadian Association of Foodservice Professionals - Ryerson University Student Branch

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